Monday, December 26, 2011

my alma mater-University of Pangasinan

This used to be the old building of UPang. The highest floor is where college of architecture is located.
College was one of the memorable moments of my education. This is where I had the most exciting and funniest moments of my life with friends. Life was so simple then and if you want to recall all those moments, I guess 5yrs is not enough to tell all the stories...hahahahaha! and the journey continues..coz until now we're still intact, connected and having te best our lives. It doesn't matter who we rae right now, the best thing is we had the friendship ever that would be treasured for the rest of our lives.

Biuilding (above) we used to pass everday going to 5th floor...kung may nakita kang mga nakatambay sa shade sigurado mga Arki na yun, ngem di gingined nagtataray da amin awan nabati...

the entrance..this used to be the Nursing bldg.

the main building (below), the highest floor is where the college of Architecture is located.
Fronting the building used to be the basketball court and parade ground, at present is a landscape area where students can relax while waiting for the next class. At 5th floor, one can experience the cool breeze and spectacular view of neighbouring Dagupan villages and fish ponds.
But the greatest feeling is when you'ra at 5th floor...owww this is my place! viva arkitektyur!
By the way, no. 1 rule..." just be yourself "

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