Thursday, November 5, 2009

Spreading Islam thru violence is not the answer.

I just finished reading an article in a gulf newspaper where a girls school in Pakistan was blown up by militants. I just wonder what are they fighting for. It's a pure deprivation of an individual the right to live freely irregardless of culture and belief. This is pure ingorance of faith and act of terrorism. Anyway, they always have somebody to blame on.. "blame it on the Jews! the west" but in reality its a pure hatred. It has nothing to do with religion at all. I can't imagine shouting the name of God while beheading an individual. Stupid as I would say. I respect Islam, the bad thing is some people belong to this faith abused it to satisfy there own desires. In reality they commit more atrocities to there fellows. They create confusion and divisiveness and propagate hatred. I beilieve that no matter what religion you are into, what matters most is how live your life in relationship with God. No one is perfect but there is always room for a change.Enough of killings and terrorism, there are more problems to attend to. So many lives are wasted everyday without any valid reason.
Dear God "give peace on a restless world"

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